Light Vehicle Modifications and Certification
If your car or motorcycle has been modified, it is likely that it will require engineering certification. Evo compliance has a qualified Vehicle Safety Compliance Certification Scheme (VSCCS) certifier who is licensed certify all Light Vehicle modification codes.
A range of modifications that can be certified include:
- Engine Modifications
- Turbo’s and Superchargers
- Performance Upgrades
- Engine Swaps
- Brake System Upgrades
- Gearbox and Differential Swaps
- Roll Cage Installation
- Suspension Modifications
- Wheel and Tyre size Changes
- Body Modifications
- Seats and Seat Belts
- Seating Capacity Reduction and Increase
- Left Hand Drive to Right Hand Drive Conversions
All modifications are required to be certified with respect to the National Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Construction and Modification (VSB 14).
In addition to the modifications listed above, there are additional modifications to 4WD’s that will need to be certified. Some of these include:
- Suspension Lift Kits
- Body Lift Kits
- Replacement Rims and Tyres
The conversion of your van or bus into a campervan or motorhome requires certification. We recommend an initial consultation prior to the vehicles fit out in order to ensure that your new campervan or motorhome will meet the requirements of the National Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Construction and Modification (VSB 14).
Evo compliance offer assistance and advice in relation to the clearance of vehicle defect/s notices. We assess and report on the defect/s and in most cases our technicians and engineer are able to rectify these at our workshop.